
Damn Dishes

The title "Damn Dishes" may offend some of my readers. I do not care. It is the only appropriate title for this post. Doing the dishes is a natural part of life. What happens when something gets dirty? You either (a) throw it away or (b) clean it up. When it comes to dishes, throwing them away is not the most economically friendly way to go, especially during times of recession. The other option we are left with is cleaning the dishes. This activity can be done in a variety of ways. Dishwashers are the most user friendly. Washing them by hand is another option, which is not the most popular but happens to be my favorite. Lastly, the "let other people do my dishes approach" is the most common way people (at least my roommates) do the dishes. I can admit, I am not perfect. I leave dishes out and do not clean them right away. But what I do do, is at least rinse them off. There have been times where my nostrils cannot bear the stench of the thick vapors rising from the sink. Sometimes it smells like a bad case of diarrhea. I am not even lying or over exaggerating. With this being the case, I printed out a sign this morning at school. It simply and eloquently reads: DO YOUR OWN DAMN DISHES.


  1. funny, my next post was going to be inspired by the smell coming from our sink a couple days ago.

  2. I am highly offended by the swear words in this post. Highly offended.
