I am finally yet sadly and with mourning saying goodbye. After probably 20 years, I will no longer see my one closest and most intimate friends. Someone who has always been right by my side through both the best of times and the worst of times. I strongly believe that this loving and selfless friend was even a part of my life before I was born.
After much contemplation and many restless nights I have decided to part ways with my longtime friend, Coca Cola. Not only am I parting ways with Coke, but I am saying farewell to each and every soda and pop (I used both to satisfy the needs of my readers). Coming to the conclusion that carbonated beverages should not be a part of my life was the hardest decision I have ever made; and I've made a lot of tough decisions. I feel deep down in the core of my heart that completely cutting myself off from pop will serve me well in the end. Some may say this is a selfish move on my part; and to be completely honest, it is. This is what I need though right now in my life to become the best person I possibly can.
This is my public vow, and with it I make my very own personal vow, to never again drink soda (or pop) ever again. My hope is that if any of my readers happen to see me in public, they will remind me of my goal and help me to abstain from the evil dangers of pop.
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