

This past week one of my good friends went rock climbing, something I am still (even as a 25 year old) scared to try. This aforementioned friend tried to jump down just a few inches to land on a proper foot placing. She made it, but slipped and went tumbling, falling to the ground. This incident caused me to reflect on life and the concept of falling.

All of us fall, in one manner or another. For my friend, it was a literal, physical fall. As I have contemplated the recent events in my life, I have come to realize how I have fallen so to speak. The last month has not been my finest or most shining month. My fall was more of an emotional fall, where I suffered pain. I am not looking for a pity party; I am simply writing my feelings. Luckily for me, and hopefully now for some of you, not only did I learn and reflect upon falling, but I learned from my friend how to optimistically get back up. This friend is so anti-pessimistic that I have noticed and learned that it is the best way to react from a fall. Even though I have fallen, and it has felt like a long fall, I know that I can make the best of the situation. Wounds will heal and tears will dry. Hopefully, I will choose to have a smile remain on my face.

For me, recuperating from my fall consists of increased kindness and love toward my fellow man (and woman). I am grateful for this lesson on falling and how I must choose to get up and heal.

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