
This Is Embarassing

I know. Having a blog and not updating it is like receiving a free dinner and not eating it. The purpose of this entry is twofold. First, to let all my people know what is going on in my life. Second, to write about what I am feeling at the moment. Since we have last gathered, my brother, Jeff, just recently returned from serving a church mission in Russia. He is doing well. He was accepted by BYU and will be joining me in Provo for the fall. He is working right now and saving up money. My littlest brother, Patrick, is the man. He loves dancing. He is in a dance club, called Club Style. Hip hop is their game. He recently had an end of the year showcase where they performed all of the dances they learned over the course of two semesters. My parents and brother came down to watch. It was amazing to say the least. Dancing is a skill I was not born with and am incapable of developing. Pat is my idol when it comes to dancing. Also when my parents were down here we ate. My mother makes the greatest tacos on the planet. The hotel where they stayed had a small kitchen. Because of the great love my mother has for me, she made me her tacos. I invited my friends Lindsay and Dan over and they enjoyed the company of my family and the taste of the tacos.

My friend Megan had a birthday late in March. My friends Lindsey and Angie helped out and we made homemade pizza and cake. We also blindfolded Megan and took her to this comedy show thing. It was pretty good. It was funny seeing her walk around with the blindfold on. She was a little hesitant to walk normally. We laughed.

I can't think of anything that went on after I last wrote. I am getting ready to go to Seattle for the summer to work with the Flourishing Family Project. I am eager and excited to go and interview the families and help the research. I too am ready to have fun there. It will be a great learning experience and will provide me with time to do things I want to do for myself. My goals are to read a lot, especially about psychology and to familiarize myself more with the psychological language.

Lastly, I want to become a better writer. This will require a lot of diligence. I want to write more on this blog and use it to help me improve my writing. I am looking forward to writing more and for you to enjoy what is going on in my life.

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